Information and Communication Technology Policy
Use of Information and Communication Technology:
Students are provided with IT resources to optimize their learning. These resources come in 2 forms.
1. Online resources.
2. Computer Laboratories.
Online Resources:
Online resources will be shared through the CLP (www.dpsuganda.com). Resources such as notes, assignments, past question papers, etc. will be shared with the students.
Computer Resources:
There are two computer laboratories for instruction.
Rules for the school computer labs are as follows.
1. Treat all ICT equipment with care.
2. Do not eat or drink in the ICT laboratories
3. Use computers for schoolwork only.
4. Do not attempt to access another student’s account
5. Do not tamper or interfere with the system
6. Do not download anything
7. Store all your work
8. Only use the Internet for school related work
9. If there is a problem with your computer, do not attempt to fix it yourself
10. Call your teacher for any assistance.
11. Playing games in the ICT lab is strictly prohibited
12. It is Mandatory to maintain silence in ICT labs
Personal Technology Use:
Technology should be used responsibly at all times.
Users are responsible for the protection of their own network account and should not divulge their password to anyone. This includes classmates, parents, and teachers. Users should not log on to or use any account other than their own and should log off when leaving a workstation, even for a short period of time.Use of Facilities:
It is not acceptable to
- Attempt to download or install software to school computers, or to tablets using the school Wi-Fi
- Attempt to introduce a virus to the network
- Attempt to bypass network or system security
- Attempt to gain access to an unauthorized area or system
- Attempt to use any form of hacking/cracking software or system
- Connect any device to the network that has access to the Internet via a connection not provided by the school – including, but not limited to personal hotspots and 3G/LTE
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- Access and download material that is indecent or obscene, infringes copyright, is unlawful, or brings the name of the school into disreputeInternet Access:
The school’s Internet service is filtered to prevent access to inappropriate content and to maintain the integrity of the computer systems. Users should be aware that the school logs all Internet use. While the school respects the privacy of users, users should assume the school could potentially monitor all of their activity.
The use of public chat facilities is not permitted.
Users should ensure that they are not breaking copyright restrictions when copying and using material from the Internet.Privacy and Personal Protection: - Users must, at all times, respect the privacy of others
- Users are responsible for their own devices. The school cannot be held responsible for any damage/loss of students’ devices.
- Users may under no conditions photograph any individuals without prior permission, in compliance with the laws of Uganda.
- Users should not forward private data without permission from the author
- Users should realize the school has a right to access personal areas on the network
- Privacy will be respected unless there is reason to believe that the Acceptable Use Policy has been breached or that school guidelines are not being followed.Disciplinary Procedures:
Those who misuse the computer facilities or violate the Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
This Acceptable Use Policy constitutes part of the school’s Behavioral Policy.