Attendance Policy
1 Absence.
- A student is marked absent if he/she does not attend school.
- In case there is a valid reason and the leave is sanctioned then the leave will not be deducted from his attendance.
Leave maybe sanctioned for the following reasons:
- Absence due to sickness which should be proved by medical certificates and reports approved by the concerned authorities.
- The official tasks assigned to students by prior permission from the school Principal.
- Death of a relative: For three days only.
- Other cases allowed by the Ministry of Education Uganda.
- Planned Absence: If a parent knows in advance that his/her child will miss more days, then they can request for planned absence.
- The note must be submitted prior to the planned absence.
The school retains the discretion to sanction leave for any urgent and reasonable absence for which there is a written request.
2 Attendance awards:
- Students attaining 100% attendance will be awarded a gold medal at the School prize distribution ceremony.
- Sanctioned leave is however not taken into account while considering the award.
- From grades 6 to 12 house points are awarded for attendance.
- The winning house will be awarded a rolling trophy at the end of the academic year.
- In the primary, classes will be awarded Golden Stars for attaining maximum attendance.
3 Deletion of names from school rolls:
A pupil’s name will be struck off the School Rolls on the following grounds:
- Absence from school for a period of 30 continuous days without prior permission of the school authorities.
- For gross misconduct.
- Fee defaulters
Rules concerning absence:
- Students must have at least 85% attendance for promotion to the next class.
- Please note that no short leave or half day is allowed in case the student wants to leave during school hours. Full day leave will be marked.
- During the school hours, any student taking leave should be accompanied by parent or legal guardians, the details of whom are specified in the admission form.
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- Any parent who wants to take the child with him/her, should forward the application to the Principal’s office one hour before the scheduled dispersal time for junior & senior classes.
- The application forwarded to the Principal’s office should bear the name of the student, class & section together with the bus route or private conveyance mentioned in the same.
- Any absence without leave being sanctioned in advance will not be permissible.
- Absence for more than three days immediately after a vacationand long holidays renders the student liable to pay a fine of USD 10/- per day. After 5 working days the name would be struck off the rolls.
- For defaulters it may lead to suspension/expulsion from the school.
- Once the child is marked present at school, he will not be allowed to leave the school, unless an extraordinary situation arises.
- Students who do not take any of the semester exams will not be eligible for any academic award.
- A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease must produce a doctor’s certificate of fitness permitting him/her to attend the school. A student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
(a) Chicken Pox – Till complete falling of scabs
(b) Cholera – Till the child is completely well
(c) Measles – 2 weeks after the rash disappears
(d) Mumps – Till swelling has gone, about 1 month
(e) Whooping Cough – Six weeks
(f) Jaundice – Six weeks
Late arrival in school.
- The school gate will close 10 minutes after the first bell rings.
- All late arrivals will be fined USD 5/- if they arrive after the gate has been closed.
Pupil whose names are struck off the rolls may be considered for re-admission to the school at the Principal’s discretion, but will be required to go through all the formalities of new admission cases.