Affiliated To Central Board of Secondary Education - New Delhi
Affiliation No: 7630001    Affiliation Period 2022 -2027
Affiliation Type: Senior Secondary   School Code: 90014.

School Policies Edited


General School Rules And Discipline

General School Rules:

1. It is mandatory for every student to carry his/her almanac (students diary) and identity card to school every day. Students should affix their colour passport size photographs and write the required information duly signed by their parents in the space provided in the almanac/students’ diary. Students who come to school on their own should arrive 10 minutes before the bell rings.
2. The morning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective class-rooms. This should be done promptly and in silence.
3. Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently.
4. Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions including Parent Teachers Meetings and Open Houses.
5. All boys (except Sikhs) must keep their hair short. Girls must tie their hair if it is of shoulder length or longer neatly with a green band. Care must be taken of al school property. No student should damage any school furniture; write or draw anything on the walls. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher.
6. School reserves the right to repair the damaged property from the Caution deposit of the student.
7. Parents are requested to ensure that their children carry their personal belongings themselves to school.
8. No lunch boxes, books, notebooks, project works, and musical instruments etc. will be taken up by the guard for being handed over to the students. No calls relating to the same will be entertained at the reception.
9. The students are to reach the school at the specified time. He/She will not be allowed to enter the school after that and no calls will be entertained at the security gate and reception regarding the same.
10. Applications are to be written and signed by the parents. The students name, class/sec, Bus no. (in case the child avails the bus facility) and mobile no. of the parents should be mentioned in all the applications.
11. It has been observed that the parents are sending unwell children for writing assignments and assessments and to attend the school functions. Please note that there will be one extra test conducted for every subject in both the semesters to take care of unforeseen circumstances. So, make the child take rest at home instead of forcing him/her to attend school.
12. There is nothing called short leave/half day leave.
13. No application will be entertained requiring the student to leave the school premises for any personal/social functions i.e. marriages, birthday, going out of station, pujas etc. Parents are requested to regulate their personal schedules accordingly.
14. Meeting time with the Principals: Morning- 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. (Tuesday-Friday) Afternoon- 02.30 p.m. to 03.30 p.m. (Monday-Friday Pl. note that other than the above-mentioned timing, the parents need to take a prior appointment.
15. Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is strictly prohibited.
16. Students who come to school with their escorts should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
17. The school reserves the right to suspend students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
18. Parents and Guardians of all students should contact the teachers on the PTM days to note the progress of their wards.
19. Parents and Guardians must not visit their wards or teachers without the Principal’s permission.

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20. Student’s Progress Report Cards will be shown to parents every term, as per the schedule. These must be duly signed by parents after discussing their ward’s progress. Observations may be made, if so desired and the report card returned within two days of its receipt.
21. The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the students.
22. A student who uses unfair means during tests/assessments will be given zero in the subject. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
23. Students will not be called to answer phone calls during school hours except in emergencies.
24. Expensive articles and jewelry are not allowed in the school. In violation of this rule, the article may be confiscated. The school bears no responsibility for articles lost in school.
25. Students using the school bus shall maintain discipline in the bus. Bus facility will be withdrawn in cases where discipline is not properly maintained.
26. The school does not permit the celebration of birthdays on the school campus.



To enforce the above rules more effectively, we have decided to introduce white, yellow and red cards. White Card/Warning Letter to student: (Absenteeism, uniform and coming late)

A white card will be issued to students on following grounds:

  1. remaining absent from the school for 3 or more successive days without intimation.
  2. not being in proper school uniform even after continuous reminders.
  3. coming late to school repeatedly.

YELLOW CARD/ Warning Letter to Parent: (Discipline):
A yellow card or warning letter will be issued to students and parents on following grounds:

  1. disfiguring or damaging of school property
  2. bringing cell phone to school
  3. use of violence in any form
  4. using abusive language
  5. indulging in smoking, gambling, drinking or using drugs in school premises
  6. possession or bursting of crackers in school

The above will deprive the offender of availing any privileges in school for a week. Awarding of three yellow cards in an academic year, may lead to the expulsion of the offender from school on disciplinary grounds.

Red card will be issued to students for their careless and untidy work in academics which has to be signed by the subject teacher on each day of the week during which the student is on the red card. If the progress during the week is found to be satisfactory, the red card will be discontinued.
Your cooperation in this regard is solicited.

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