Affiliated To Central Board of Secondary Education - New Delhi
Affiliation No: 7630001    Affiliation Period 2022 -2027
Affiliation Type: Senior Secondary   School Code: 90014.

Clinic Policy


Clinic Policy

In the event of a child being unwell during the school day, we would make every effort to contact the parent/guardian to come and collect the child. If this is not possible we shall look after the child in school. If Health deteriorates the child will be taken to Victoria University Health Centre for further treatment. Expenses if any will be charged from parents.

The following notes are a brief summary on school health matters which you may find helpful:

      • Should there be any infectious disease in your home please report the fact to the Class Teacher/Principals/School Clinic at once, and do not send your ward to class till the infection period is over.
      • All parents are requested to impart Health Education to their children.
      • Students should be encouraged to maintain personal hygiene like trimming of nails and being neat on a regular basis.
      • All children should be De-wormed at least once a year. The family physician should be consulted for this.
      • Dental and ophthalmic checkup to be done once every year by a Dental surgeon and ophthalmologist.
      • Students suffering from diseases such as Chicken Pox, Cholera, Measles, Mumps, Whooping-Cough, and Jaundice must observe the prescribed period of Quarantine before returning to class:
      • Chicken Pox 2 – 3 weeks from onset of rash.
      • Cholera Till the child is completely wel.
      • Measles Two weeks after the rash disappears.
      • Mumps Until the swelling has gone; about one month.
      • Jaundice Six Weeks after recovery.
      • Students suffering from infectious diseases like Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Scabies, etc. should not be sent to school.
      • Students suffering from chronic diseases like Asthma, Epilepsy, Rheumatic heart disease, etc. are advised to be under continuous Medical supervision of a Specialist Doctor. History of their illness must be filled up in the Almanac along with the treatment being taken.


Should your child require emergency treatment, every effort will be made to contact you. To assist with this please keep the nurses informed of any change in your contact details.MEDICAL FORMS:
When your child starts at D P S, you will be required to complete medical forms. Please return them promptly with all medical information provided. It is of utmost importance that the school is made aware of any condition your child has and any medication they are receiving. This will affect how they are treated in the case of an emergency.

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If your child is in pain or has a fever at school, the Staff Nurse will give Paracetamol/calpol to your ward to relieve their symptoms. By admitting your child to DPS Kampala you are allowing the staff nurse to administer Paracetamol/calpol to your ward and you need NOT consent on the health form for the school nurse to administer it.
If your child is allergic to Calpol / paracetamol please mention in admission form and also inform the class teacher and staff Nurse.
Students are not permitted to carry medicine with them under any circumstances. Medicine will not be returned to a student under any circumstances; it must be collected by an adult either the parent/guardian or the teacher.

To concentrate and function effectively at school, good health is one of the most important aspects. It is therefore important that if your child is unwell, they should rest at home and recuperate fully before returning to school. This is also to reduce cross infection of other students and staff. The medical team will not hesitate to send a student home if they are unwell or considered to be infectious. (Please see our infection control policy).

Snack boxes:
To support your child’s concentration at school, please encourage them to have nutritious food in their snack boxes. Students who eat breakfast and have a nutritious diet at school will manage to perform better.

Examples of healthy and filling snacks are:

      • A sandwich with a nutritious filling such as cheese, chicken, tuna, salad, etc
      • Savory rice salad.
      • Pasta.
      • Pita bread or bread sticks with cheese dip, hummus ,etc.
      • Salad snack such as cucumber sticks, carrots, celery.
      • Bran muffins, banana bread, carrot cake, savory scones, etc.
      • Any fruit.
      • Yoghurt.
      • Healthy drinks.
      • 2 drinks should be packed of which one is water.
      • Milk (preferably not flavoured).
      • Fruit juice (preferably not sweetened).
      • Fruit juice diluted in water.
      • Sweets, cakes and sweet biscuits are strongly discouraged.
      • Fizzy drinks and chewing gum are not allowed

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