Affiliated To Central Board of Secondary Education - New Delhi
Affiliation No: 7630001    Affiliation Period 2022 -2027
Affiliation Type: Senior Secondary   School Code: 90014.

Exam Rules


Exam Rules

DPS Kampala students are not expected to use unfair means during examinations.

1. The students are liable to be penalized if found doing so.
2. Final semester (Summative Assessment II) exams, if missed, must be taken again for promotion to the
next class.
3. Any student who misses out any semester (Summative Assessment) exam (I or II) will not
be considered for any academic award.
4. And will not be promoted to the next class.
5. Assignments & MCQ are not conducted again, if missed.


      • Promotion is based on the day-to-day work of the students throughout the year and also on the performance in the Formative/ Summative Assessment.
      • Performance of the students will be evaluated through continuous and comprehensive evaluation which is a process to provide holistic profile of the student through regular assessment of both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of development over the total span of learning time.
      • Co-scholastic areas includes life skills, attitude and values, literacy and creative skills, scintific skills, aesthetic skills and health and physical education.
      • HPER, Work Experience, Environmental Education and Art Education are important subjects. So, detention in these subjects will lead to total detention in the class.
      • Subjects opted for Art Education/ Music/ Dance/ Painting and 2nd Language is not alterable.
      • Attendance in all the tests is compulsory. Any absence from the Formative/ Summative Assessment Tests should be substantiated with valid reason.
      • There shall be regular Formative tests & Summative Tests for Std-III to X and due weightage of the formative tests and summative tests will be taken into consideration for promotion to the next higher class.
      • Students of Std-XI and XII should secure minimum 33% marks, in each subject (in theory and practical separately) in Half Yearly Examination and 75% attendance to be eligible for filling up forms for Board Exam.
      • Results once declared by the Academic Committee shall be final and binding by all.
      • As per CBSE Guideline it is compulsory for a student to appear both the Summative Assessment (SA1 & SA2) and obtain at least 25% marks in the Summative Assessments (Both SA1 & SA2 taken together) to be eligible to qualify for the promotion to next class. (Total 33% in each of the subjects of scholastic areas i.e. from FA1 to SA2 taken all together.)


      • L.K.G  –  English, Arithmetic, Art & Craft, Conversation., Environmental Concepts, Physical Activity
      • U.K.G  –   English, Arithmetic, Art & Craft, Hindi, Environmental Concepts, Conversation, Physical Activity.

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      • Std I To IV  – English, Hindi/ French, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Art, Craft, G.K., Moral Education.
      • Std III To IV –  Computer Science Dance, Music.
      • N.B:  Apart from English any one language will be offered i.e. either Hindi or French.
      • Std V To VIII English, Hindi, Fench, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Science, Social Studies, Moral Education, G.K., Computer Science (Work Experience), Health & Physical Education, Art, Education (Music, Painting, Dance, Yoga)N.B.: Apart from English either Hindi or French is compulsory. Students who opt for Hindi as 2nd Language have to take French as 3rd Language and Students who opt for French as 2nd Language should take Hindi as 3rd Language. The Subjects opted for 2nd Language and Art Education is not alterable.
      • Std IX & X English, Hindi/ French , Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer Science (Work Experience), Health & Physical Education, Art Education, N.B.: In addition to English only one language will be offered.
      • Std XI & XII English Core, Work Experience, Health & Physical Education, General Studies (Compulsory for all).
      • Elective Group I Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
      • Elective Group II Accountancy, Economics & Stats, Business Studies
      • 4th Elective: Biology/ Computer Science/ Physical Education/Economics/Psychology.


CCE refers to a system of school based evaluation of a student that covers all aspects of a student’s development. It is a developmental process of student which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These objectives are continuously in evaluation and assessment of board based learning and behavioural outcomes on the other.


Scholastic areas include academic performance in language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science.

      • There will be two terms. The first term will be from April-September and the second term from October-March.
      • Each term will have two Formatives and one Summative Assessment.
      • Assessment will be indicated in grades.
      • The grading scale for the scholastic areas is a Nine Point Grading scale.
      • Overall grade of Formative Assessment over the two terms (FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4) and the overall grade of Summative Assessment (SA1+SA2) shall be taken into consideration. The total of the two grades which comprises Formative and Summative will be reflected in the Report Book.

SCHOLASTIC AREAS (Grading on a Nine Point Scale)

Table coming soon…

NOTE: As per the latest CBSE guideline, PSA (Problem Solving Assessment), OTBA (Open Text Book Assessment) & ASL (Assessment of Speaking Listening skills) have been made compulsory from Std-IX onwards. However in order to train the children at an early stage the same will be applicable from Std-VI onwards.


  1. Co-scholastic areas includes life skills, attitude & values, literary & creative skills, scientific skills and health and physical education. The grading scale for the co-scholastic areas is a 5 point grading scale.
  2. Children are encouraged to participate in the competition organised in the school and outside the school as well.
  3. Educational Tours and excursions in and outside odisha are also conducted along with programmes of educative values.


Table coming soon..

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