Affiliated To Central Board of Secondary Education - New Delhi
Affiliation No: 7630001    Affiliation Period 2022 -2027
Affiliation Type: Senior Secondary   School Code: 90014.

Rules concerning absence


Rules Concerning Absence

  1. Students must have at least 85% attendance for promotion to the next class.
  2. Please note that no short leave or half day is allowed in case the student wants to leave during school hours. Full day leave will be marked.
  3. During the school hours, any student taking leave should be accompanied by parent or legal guardians, the details of whom are specified in the admission form.
  4. Any parent who wants to take the child with him/her, should forward the application to the Principal’s office one hour before the scheduled dispersal time for junior & senior classes.
  5. The application forwarded to the Principal’s office should bear the name of the student, class & section together with the bus route or private conveyance mentioned in the same.
  6. Any absence without leave being sanctioned in advance will not be permissible.
  7. Absence for more than three days immediately after a vacationand long holidays renders the student liable to pay a fine of USD 10/- per day. After 5 working days the name would be struck off the rolls.
  8. For defaulters it may lead to suspension/expulsion from the school.
  9. Once the child is marked present at school, he will not be allowed to leave the school, unless an extraordinary situation arises.
  10. Students who do not take any of the semester exams will not be eligible for any academic award.
  11. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease must produce a doctor’s certificate of fitness permitting him/her to attend the school. A student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.

(a)   Chicken Pox        –   Till complete falling of scabs.
(b)   Cholera               –   Till the child is completely well.
(c)   Measles               –   2 weeks after the rash disappears.
(d)   Mumps                –   Till swelling has gone, about 1 month.
(e)   Whooping Cough –   Six weeks.
(f)   Jaundice               –   Six weeks.

Late arrival in school:
1.  The school gate will close 10 minutes after the first bell rings.
2.  All late arrivals will be fined USD 5/- if they arrive after the gate has been closed.

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